
Mentoring Program Success

Protégé Job Retention



Challenges ACP is Addressing

challenges with source

A Snapshot of Veteran Applicants

Branch Seals for Metrics Page


Enlisted service members








Median age


Age 30 or younger


Age 40 or older


Interested in small business/entrepreneurship

Since 2010, ACP Veteran and Active-Duty Spouse Applicants have come from more than 14,000 ZIP Codes across the United States.


map showing where alumni are

A Snapshot of Active Duty Spouse Applicants






Median age


Age 30 or younger


Age 40 or older


Interested in small business/entrepreneurship

Protégé Applicant Ethnicity Statistics

Ethnicity Stats

Protégé Applicant Education Level

education data

Veteran Protégé Survey Results

Throughout each mentorship, ACP surveys our Protégés to measure their satisfaction with our program. As of January 2024, ACP has received 21,503 responses to the survey.

98% of Protégés would recommend the program to a fellow veteran.

When asked, which of the following objectives have you and your mentor worked on together, Proteges responded:


Improving my résumé and interview skills14,264 (66%) 
Translating my military background into civilian terms12,603 (59%) 
Refining civilian career goals and professional ambitions 12,216 (57%) 
Building a network of professionals11,595 (54%) 
Learn about career opportunities10,540 (49%) 
Dealing with work/life balance issues10,036 (47%) 
Searching for job opportunities7,681 (36%) 
Determining if I should go back to school5,482 (25%) 
Learning how to deal with a difficult boss or colleagues/improving interpersonal relationships5,231 (24%) 
Learning how to advance at my current job5,248 (24%) 
Learning how to start my own business/build my own business1,940 (9%) 
Other1,149 (5%) 
No, the program was not valuable168 (1%) 

Note: Participants may select multiple categories, so percentages do not add up to 100%

Active-Duty Spouse Protégé Survey Results

Throughout each mentorship, ACP surveys our Protégés to measure their satisfaction with our program. Since the start of ACP's Active Duty Spouse Program in 2018, ACP received 1,030 responses to the survey.

When asked, which of the following objectives have you and your mentor worked on together, Active-Duty Spouse Proteges responded:

Improve my professional confidence 915 (89%)  
Identify which career fields and job opportunities best suit my skills, interests, and experience 805 (78%)  
Improve my résumé and interview skills  780 (76%)  
Learn about career options and pathways in a specific industry 757 (74%)  
Discuss strategies for improving work/life balance 706 (69%)  
Made connections with business professionals outside my network 653 (63%)  
Create a career plan for the next 5-10 years 655 (64%)  
Conduct an effective job or internship search 618 (60%)  
Understand how to advance at my current job 604 (59%)  
Enhance relationships with my managers, direct reports or other colleagues 577 (56%)  
Learn about certifications that will increase my marketability 577 (56%)  
Cultivate my public speaking, communication and presentation skills 486 (48%)  
Determine if I should go back to school or pursue higher education 443 (43%)  
Understand how my volunteer work or childcare responsibilities give me marketable skills  425 (41%)  
Determine how to prepare for and navigate a performance review 383 (37%)  
Learn how to start or expand my own business 271 (26%)  

Note: Participants may select multiple categories, so percentages do not add up to 100%

Mentor Survey Results

Throughout each mentorship, ACP surveys our Mentors to measure their satisfaction with our program. In 2023, ACP received responses from 2,593 Mentors.

Are you glad that your company is participating in ACP?

Yes2,588 (99%+) 
Unsure4 (<1%) 
No1 (0%) 

Would you recommend ACP to a friend or colleague?

Yes2,589 (99%+) 
Unsure3 (<1%) 
No1 (<1%) 

Would you consider being a Mentor again in the ACP program?

Yes2,565 (99%) 
Unsure14 (<1%) 
No14 (<1%)