ACP Ventures

Veterans are 45% more likely to start their own business, and one out of 10 small businesses in the U.S. are veteran-owned. That's around 2.4 million businesses.

Even with that entrepreneurial spirit, there are significant barriers for veterans entering the marketplace on their own.

ACP aims to improve the odds for our population.

Hear from Our Entrepreneurs
Monica F. Military Spouse Entrepreneur

Monica F., U.S. Air Force Spouse
Entrepreneurship is one of the hardest things I have ever done, it's filled with constant challenges. But one big challenge I have continued to face is finding the right help and support from both a financial and marketing standpoint. With my mentor we would review possible people and opportunities together and dive deeper on what really was I needing at the time of that challenge and how could I get to where I wanted to go.

veteran entrepreneur with dog

Matt T., U.S. Navy Veteran  
"I have faced so many different challenges in the last year and a half or so building my business. One of the biggest obstacles was creating a client base. Stephen was instrumental in helping me brainstorm and find creative ways to attract customers. He was also super helpful in keeping me focused on my short term goals. Overall I had a great experience through ACP and not only got a tremendous mentor I made another friend along the way."

us navy spouse entrepreneur military spouse small business owner

Rafsan H., U.S. Navy Spouse  
"My ACP mentor, Regina, has been an invaluable resource in my journey towards entrepreneurship. Regina taught me the importance of networking and opened doors to numerous opportunities. Inspired by her guidance, I am on the verge of launching my own business in IT project management and citizen development."

Venture With Us Today!
Active-Duty Spouses
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